When our son Udo was born in June of 2007, just a couple of weeks later if even that, the Denver-based artist John Bonath contacted us and said that he was looking for a fresh baby to utilize in one of his digital photographs. I was excited by this prospect as I had shown John's work before in a group exhibition and was familiar with his output, he is simply put one of the greatest digital photographers in the world (and I don't say that lightly). The digital medium itself is not necessarily highly sought or regarded in Denver but I've always felt that if John was located elsewhere that he would be huge, his work and ideas really are exceptional. We told him that we'd love to have Udo be involved, for us it was really a way to have Udo connected to art from the very start, and once John explained the magnitude of the piece it was even more exciting to be involved. The finished digital composition is enormous, there are three panels that make up more than twelve feet of space if not more. The effect is absolutely stunning to see in person, and John has hopes that the work will be accepted into the upcoming Rocky Mountain Biennal held in Fort Collins, CO, and of course if it is we'll have fun taking Udo up to see the piece in its full glory. But John is very generous and put together a maquet for us that is on stretched canvas and framed up nicely, it is hung above our bed and the total dimension of the maquet is about 50 inches or so. The more Udo the merrier, that's what I think of the piece though you really have to see the work closeup to tell the extraordinary detail of the multiplications of our son.
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